Monday, June 24, 2019

Steps to create a sudo user

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step1  add user with username   anscontrol is username

               adduser anscontrol       (if adduser not works then try useradd)

Step2: setup password for user  by default ask for password if not the type 
              passwd asncontrol

Step 3: For adding user in sudo group type below command

               usermod -aG sudo anscontrol

Step4 : Move to new user -->
             sudo - anscontrol

Step5 : check the user path and access properly updated or not with below command

              sudo whoami  ==>     you need to see root as result 

Step 6: type  ==> sudo -l      for checking permmision applied or not if applied then result will be

         User anscontrol may run the following commands on
         (ALL : ALL) ALL

Thats it.

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