Sunday, March 14, 2021

virtual private networking (VPN) between two subnets in different regions-in GCP Google cloud

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Task : Review

You set up virtual private networking (VPN) between two subnets in different regions. This lab required you to perform most of the configuration from the command line. When you configure VPN using the GCP Console, many of the steps are automated. One purpose of this lab is to show you how to configure VPN manually, so that you will better understand what the GCP Console does automatically. This can help in troubleshooting a configuration.

1.    Click Open Google Console.

2.    Click Use another account and copy/paste credentials for this lab into the prompts.

If you use other credentials, you'll get errors or incur charges.

3.    Accept the terms and skip the recovery resource page.

Do not click End Lab unless you are finished with the lab or want to restart it. This clears your work and removes the project.

Task 1: Create the networks

Create two custom networks, with subnets, and start VMs in each.

Create the first network

1.    In the GCP Console, on the Navigation menu ( 7a91d354499ac9f1.png), click VPC network > VPC networks.

2.    Click Create VPC network.

3.    Specify the following, and leave the remaining settings as their defaults:


Value (type value or select option as specified)




Enter an optional description

Subnet creation mode






IP address range

4.    Click Create.

Create the second network

For the second network, choose a different region than the first network.

1.    Click Create VPC network.

2.    Specify the following, and leave the remaining settings as their defaults:


Value (type value or select option as specified)




Enter an optional description

Subnet creation mode






IP address range

3.    Click Create.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective.

Create the networks

Check my progress

Task 2: Create the utility VMs

Create the first instance

The first VM is created in the same region as vpn-network-1.

1.    On the Navigation menu, click Compute Engine > VM instances.

2.    Click Create.

3.    Specify the following, and leave the remaining settings as their defaults:


Value (type value or select option as specified)







Machine type


4.    Click Management, security, disks, networking, sole tenancy.

5.    Click Networking.

6.    For Network interfaces, click the pencil icon to edit.

7.    Specify the following, and leave the remaining settings as their defaults:


Value (type value or select option as specified)





8.    Click Done.

9.    Click Create.

Create the second instance

The second VM is created in the same region as vpn-network-2.

1.    In the Console, navigate to Navigation menu > Compute Engine > VM instances.

2.    Click + CREATE INSTANCE.

3.    Specify the following, and leave the remaining settings as their defaults:


Value (type value or select option as specified)







Machine type


4.    Click Management, security, disks, networking, sole tenancy.

5.    Click Networking.

6.    For Network interfaces, click the pencil icon to edit.

7.    Specify the following, and leave the remaining settings as their defaults:


Value (type value or select option as specified)





8.    Click Done.

9.    Click Create.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective.

Create the utility VMs

Check my progress

Task 3: Create the firewall rules

Allow ICMP and SSH into each network.

Allow traffic to vpn-network-1

1.    On the Navigation menu, click VPC network > Firewall rules.

2.    Click Create firewall rule.

3.    Specify the following, and leave the remaining settings as their defaults:


Value (type value or select option as specified)






All instances in the network

Source filter

IP ranges


Protocols and ports

Specified protocols and ports

4.    For tcp, specify port 22.

5.    For Other protocols, specify the icmp protocol.

Make sure to include the /0 in the Source IP ranges to specify all networks.

6.    Click Create.

Allow traffic to vpn-network-2

1.    Click Create firewall rule.

2.    Specify the following, and leave the remaining settings as their defaults:


Value (type value or select option as specified)






All instances in the network

Source filter

IP ranges

Source IP ranges

Protocols and ports

Specified protocols and ports

3.    For tcp, specify port 22.

4.    For Other protocols, specify the icmp protocol.

Make sure to include the /0 in the Source IP ranges to specify all networks.

5.    Click Create.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective.

Create the firewall rules

Check my progress

Task 4: Verify network connectivity

You should be able to ping the external IP of server-2, but not its internal IP.

Test connectivity from server-1 to server-2

1.    On the Navigation menu, click Compute Engine > VM instances.

2.    Note the external and internal IP addresses for server-2.

3.    For server-1, click SSH to launch a terminal and connect.

4.    To test connectivity to server-2's external IP, run the following command, replacing server-2's external IP with the value noted earlier:

ping -c 3 <Enter server-2's external IP here>

5.    To test connectivity to server-2's internal IP, run the following command, replacing server-2's internal IP with the value noted earlier:

ping -c 3 <Enter server-2's internal IP here>

You should see 100% packet loss when pinging the internal IP.

6.    Exit the SSH terminal.

Test connectivity from server-2 to server-1

1.    Note the external and internal IP addresses for server-1.

2.    For server-2, click SSH to launch a terminal and connect.

3.    To test connectivity to server-1's external IP, run the following command, replacing server-1's external IP with the value noted earlier:

ping -c 3 <Enter server-1's external IP here>

4.    To test connectivity to server-1's internal IP, run the following command, replacing server-1's internal IP with the value noted earlier:

ping -c 3 <Enter server-1's internal IP here>

You should see similar results.

5.    Exit the SSH terminal.

Why are we testing both server-1 to server-2 and server-2 to server-1?

For the purposes of this lab, the path from subnet-a to subnet-b is not the same as the path from subnet-b to subnet-a. You are using one tunnel to pass traffic in each direction. And if both tunnels are not established, you won't be able to ping the remote server on its internal IP. The ping might reach the remote server, but the response can't be returned.

This makes it much easier to debug the lab during class. In practice, a single tunnel could be used with symmetric configuration. However, it is more common to have multiple tunnels or multiple gateways and VPNs for production work, because a single tunnel could be a single point of failure.

Task 5: Create and prepare the VPN gateways

Create the VPN gateways and do all the setup work to establish the VPN tunnels. You will be doing this from the command line using Cloud Shell. Cloud Shell is used instead of the GCP Console so you can learn about the available options and how they fit together. The GCP Console conceals much of the complexity.

Create two VPN gateways, one in each region. Create forwarding rules for EPS, UDP:500, and UDP:4500 for each gateway.

Project ID

1.    In the GCP Console, on the Navigation menu, click Home.

2.    Note the Project ID; it is referred to as [PROJECT_ID] in the following steps.

3.    Click Activate Cloud Shell ( 857dc9d7dd799cb2.png). If prompted, click Continue.

4.    To verify that gcloud is configured to [PROJECT_ID], run the following command:

gcloud config list project

If the project ID is undefined or does not match [PROJECT_ID], update it using

gcloud config set project <Enter PROJECT_ID here>

Set up the VPN for both networks

1.    In Cloud Shell, to create the vpn-1 gateway, run the following command:

gcloud compute target-vpn-gateways \

create vpn-1 \

--network vpn-network-1  \

--region us-central1

2.    To create the vpn-2 gateway, run the following command:

gcloud compute target-vpn-gateways \

create vpn-2 \

--network vpn-network-2  \

--region europe-west1

Reserve a static IP for each network

1.    To reserve a Static IP for the vpn-1 gateway, run the following command:

gcloud compute addresses create --region us-central1 vpn-1-static-ip

2.    To view the Static IP for the vpn-1 gateway, run the following command:

gcloud compute addresses list

3.    To store the Static IP for the vpn-1 gateway, in an environment variable, run the following command, and replace the IP address with the address from the output of the last command:

export STATIC_IP_VPN_1=<Enter IP address for vpn-1 here>

4.    To reserve a Static IP for the vpn-2 gateway, run the following command:

gcloud compute addresses create --region europe-west1 vpn-2-static-ip

5.    To view the Static IP for the vpn-2 gateway, run the following command:

gcloud compute addresses list

6.    To store the Static IP for the vpn-2 gateway, in an environment variable, run the following command, and replace the IP address with the address from the output of the last command:

export STATIC_IP_VPN_2=<Enter IP address for vpn-2 here>

Click Check my progress to verify the objective.

Create VPN gateways

Check my progress

Create forwarding rules for both vpn gateways

The forwarding rules forward traffic arriving on the external IP to the VPN gateway. It connects them together. Create three forwarding rules for the protocols necessary for VPN.

1.    To create ESP forwarding for vpn-1, run the following command:

gcloud compute \

forwarding-rules create vpn-1-esp \

--region us-central1  \

--ip-protocol ESP  \

--address $STATIC_IP_VPN_1 \

--target-vpn-gateway vpn-1

2.    To create ESP forwarding for vpn-2, run the following command:

gcloud compute \

forwarding-rules create vpn-2-esp \

--region europe-west1  \

--ip-protocol ESP  \

--address $STATIC_IP_VPN_2 \

--target-vpn-gateway vpn-2

3.    To create UDP500 forwarding for vpn-1, run the following command:

gcloud compute \

forwarding-rules create vpn-1-udp500  \

--region us-central1 \

--ip-protocol UDP \

--ports 500 \

--address $STATIC_IP_VPN_1 \

--target-vpn-gateway vpn-1

4.    To create UDP500 forwarding for vpn-2, run the following command:

gcloud compute \

forwarding-rules create vpn-2-udp500  \

--region europe-west1 \

--ip-protocol UDP \

--ports 500 \

--address $STATIC_IP_VPN_2 \

--target-vpn-gateway vpn-2

5.    To create UDP4500 forwarding for vpn-1, run the following command:

gcloud compute \

forwarding-rules create vpn-1-udp4500  \

--region us-central1 \

--ip-protocol UDP --ports 4500 \

--address $STATIC_IP_VPN_1 \

--target-vpn-gateway vpn-1

6.    To create UDP4500 forwarding for vpn-2, run the following command:

gcloud compute \

forwarding-rules create vpn-2-udp4500  \

--region europe-west1 \

--ip-protocol UDP --ports 4500 \

--address $STATIC_IP_VPN_2 \

--target-vpn-gateway vpn-2

Verify the external IP addresses and VPN gateways

They should be in use by the forwarding rules you just created.

1.    In the GCP Console, on the Navigation menu ( 7a91d354499ac9f1.png), click VPC network > External IP addresses.

2.    Verify that both regions have an external IP address reserved and that all three forwarding rules are displayed in the In use by column.

Alternatively, you can reserve static addresses and set forwarding rules through this section of the GCP Console.

3.    In Cloud Shell, to verify the VPN gateways, run the following command:

gcloud compute target-vpn-gateways list

You should see the VPN gateways.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective.

Create forwarding rules for both vpn gateways

Check my progress

Task 6: Create tunnels

Create the tunnels between the VPN gateways. After the tunnels exist, create a static route to enable traffic to be forwarded into the tunnel. If this is successful, you can ping a local VM in one location on its internal IP from a VM in a different location.

1.    To create the tunnel for traffic from Network-1 to Network-2, run the following command:

gcloud compute \

vpn-tunnels create tunnel1to2  \

--peer-address $STATIC_IP_VPN_2 \

--region us-central1 \

--ike-version 2 \

--shared-secret gcprocks \

--target-vpn-gateway vpn-1 \

--local-traffic-selector \


2.    To create the tunnel for traffic from Network-2 to Network-1, run the following command:

gcloud compute \

vpn-tunnels create tunnel2to1 \

--peer-address $STATIC_IP_VPN_1 \

--region europe-west1 \

--ike-version 2 \

--shared-secret gcprocks \

--target-vpn-gateway vpn-2 \

--local-traffic-selector \


3.    To verify that the tunnels are created, run the following command:

gcloud compute vpn-tunnels list

It may take a couple of minutes for the VPNs to connect to their peers. If the connection fails, it means something was entered incorrectly in the previous commands. Be very careful about spaces or copy-paste errors.

At this point, the gateways are connected and communicating. But there is no method to direct traffic from one subnet to the other. You must establish static routes.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective.

Create tunnels

Check my progress

Task 7: Create static routes

1.    To create a static route from Network-1 to Network-2, run the following command:

gcloud compute  \

routes create route1to2  \

--network vpn-network-1 \

--next-hop-vpn-tunnel tunnel1to2 \

--next-hop-vpn-tunnel-region us-central1 \


2.    To create a static route from Network-2 to Network-1, run the following command:

gcloud compute  \

routes create route2to1  \

--network vpn-network-2 \

--next-hop-vpn-tunnel tunnel2to1 \

--next-hop-vpn-tunnel-region europe-west1 \


Click Check my progress to verify the objective.

Create static routes

Check my progress

Task 8: Verify VPN connectivity

Verify server-1 to server-2 connectivity

1.    In the GCP Console, on the Navigation menu, click Compute Engine > VM instances.

2.    For server-1, click SSH to launch a terminal and connect.

3.    To test connectivity to server-2's internal IP, run the following command:

ping -c 3 <insert server-2's internal IP here>

4.    Exit the server-1 SSH terminal.

5.    For server-2, click SSH to launch a terminal and connect.

6.    To test connectivity to server-1's internal IP, run the following command:

ping -c 3 <insert server-1's internal IP here>

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