Thursday, March 18, 2021

Bashion Host Lab - GCP

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Task 1: Launch an instance and verify access

Launch an instance

1.    In the Console, on the Navigation menu ( ), click Compute Engine > VM instances.

2.    Click Create.

3.    Specify the following, and leave the remaining settings as their defaults:


Value (type value or select option as specified)








Allow HTTP traffic

4.    Click Create.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective.

Launch an instance

Check my progress

Verify IP access

1.    For webserver, click SSH to launch a terminal and connect.

Tip: Setting the Source IP at creation time is a best practice for this lab because it allows the initial SSH credentials to be set for you behind the scenes.

2.    Enter a few commands to test connectivity:



3.    Enter the following command to close the terminal:


Task 2: Restrict firewall rule settings for SSH

The default setting for a default or auto-type network is to allow SSH access from any source IP address. Restrict access to just your source IP address to see what happens when you try to connect from the GCP Console.

Find your IP address

Find the IP address of the computer you are using. One easy way to do this is to go to a website that provides this address.

1.    Open a browser in a new tab.

2.    Go to and search for "what's my IP." It will either directly reply with your IP or give you a list of sites that perform this service.

3.    Ensure that the IP address only contains numerals (IPv4) and is not represented in hexadecimals (IPv6).

4.    Copy your IP address. It will be referred to as YOUR_IP_ADDRESS. You will be using it to modify the default firewall rule.

Edit the default SSH rule

1.    In the GCP Console, on the Navigation menu ( ), click VPC network > Firewall rules.

2.    Click the default-allow-ssh rule, and then click Edit.

3.    Specify the following, and leave the remaining settings as their defaults:


Value (type value or select option as specified)


Allow SSH from my IP only

Source IP ranges


4.    Click Save. Wait until the firewall rule is updated (the status in the bottom pane is Updating firewall rule; when it closes, you can continue).

Test connectivity

1.    On the Navigation menu ( ), click Compute Engine > VM instances.

2.    For webserver, click SSH to launch a terminal and connect.

What happened?

When you connect via SSH to an instance from your browser, you need to allow SSH from Cloud Platform resources, so you must allow connections from either any IP address or from Google's IP address range, which you can get from Public SPF records. If you want to restrict SSH access to just your IP address, you need to SSH from a terminal session.

For this lab, leaving SSH open to any connections is sufficient.

Reset the IP address range in the firewall rule

1.    In the GCP Console, on the Navigation menu ( ), click VPC network > Firewall rules.

2.    Click the default-allow-ssh rule, and then click Edit.

3.    Specify the following, and leave the remaining settings as their defaults:


Value (type value or select option as specified)


Allow SSH from all IPs

Source IP ranges


4.    Click Save. Wait until the firewall rule is updated (the status in the bottom pane is Updating firewall rule; when it closes, you can continue).

Verify the change

1.    On the Navigation menu ( ), click Compute Engine > VM instances.

2.    For webserver, click SSH to launch a terminal and connect. Leave the terminal open for the next task.

Task 3: Install a simple web application

Install a simple web application on your instance to represent an internal application. You then secure it by preventing access from the internet.

Install and configure a web server

1.    In the webserver SSH terminal, update the package index:

sudo apt-get update

2.    Install the apache2 package:

sudo apt-get install apache2 -y

3.    To create a new default web page by overwriting the default, run the following:

echo '<!doctype html><html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>' | sudo tee /var/www/html/index.html

Verify that the web server is working

Test that your instance is serving traffic on its external IP.

1.    In the GCP Console, on the Navigation menu ( ), click Compute Engine > VM instances.

2.    For webserver, click the external IP to open in a new tab. You should see the "Hello World!" page you updated earlier.

Task 4: Restrict firewall rule settings for HTTP

Restrict access to the web interface by changing the source IP address in the default-allow-http rule to your IP address.

Restrict HTTP access

1.    In the GCP Console, on the Navigation menu ( ), click VPC network > Firewall rules.

2.    Click the default-allow-http rule, and then click Edit.

3.    Specify the following, and leave the remaining settings as their defaults:


Value (type value or select option as specified)


Allow HTTP from my IP only

Source IP ranges


4.    Click Save. Wait until the firewall rule is updated (the status in the bottom pane is Updating firewall rule; when it closes, you can continue).

Verify that you still have access to the web server

1.    On the Navigation menu ( ), click Compute Engine > VM instances.

2.    For webserver, click the external IP to open in a new tab. You should still see the "Hello World!" page.

Task 5: Restrict access to the VM from the internet

Edit the VM Properties

1.    Return to the VM instances page of the GCP Console.

2.    Click webserver to access the instance details.

3.    Click Edit.

4.    For Network interfaces, click the default network and change External IP from Ephemeral to None.

5.    Click Done.

6.    Click Save.

Try to access the VM

1.    First try HTTP: In the left pane, click VM instances. Notice that webserver doesn't have a value under External IP.

2.    Try SSH: for webserver, try to use the SSH link to launch a terminal and connect.

What happened?

The VM is no longer associated with an External IP. It is no longer reachable from the internet.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective.

Restrict access to the VM from the internet

Check my progress

Task 6: Create a Bastion Host

Launch another instance

1.    Click Create instance.

2.    Specify the following, and leave the remaining settings as their defaults:


Value (type value or select option as specified)







3.    Click Create.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective.

Create a Bastion Host

Check my progress

Connect to the Bastion Host via SSH and verify access to webserver

1.    For bastion, click SSH to launch a terminal and connect.

2.    Verify that the home page on webserver is reachable from bastion by running the following command:

curl webserver

Even though webserver is no longer associated with an external IP address, clients inside your network can still view and use the web service on this VM over the internal IP address.

3.    From the bastion SSH terminal, connect to webserver by running the following command:

ssh -a webserver

4.    When prompted, type yes to continue.

When instances do not have external IP addresses, they can only be reached by other instances on the network or via a managed VPN gateway.

In this case, the bastion VM serves as a management and maintenance interface to the webserver VM.

Task 7: Review

You restricted access to the webserver VM by removing the external IP address.

You created a bastion host named bastion to gain access to the webserver VM over its internal IP. Normally, you would harden the bastion host by restricting the source IPs that can access the bastion host, by editing the firewall rules just as you did earlier in this lab. When you're not using the bastion host, you can shut it down.

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